Brand Launch Evaluation
A Quick & Initial feeler about New brand launch
Is your brand getting the traction that is needed to propel it further? Do you need to make any course correction at the early stages?
A mobile solution that provides quick post launch snapshot of brand standing and perception, that will deliver the necessary consumer inputs to take the launch plan forward and plan a course correction, if need be.

Brand Health Track
An Implicit way to track your brand health
Are your consumers reflecting the true Perception and Identify of your brand? Does your brand command strong emotional connect with your consumers?
Our Brand Equity solution uses Implicit Testing methods to understand what consumer know and how they FEEL about your brand and how does it translate to purchase – all derived through Implicit Testing Tools.
Brand Promotion Evaluation
Track & Assess marketing initiatives the Implicit way
Is the marketing intervention delivering on the set objectives?
Is the promotion campaign communicating the desired brand values? Is the sponsorship event fitting well with the brand?
Be it a new promotional event or any new marketing initiative, our System1 based Implicit tools will enable marketers to assess the true impact of the marketing intervention on the brand, in terms of brand standing and values associated.